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Coronavirus Updates Jordan – Tourism
This post is being updated with new information regarding Jordan’s reopening to tourism after closing due to coronavirus. What you need to know regarding Coronavirus updates Jordan and tourism to the country in this time.
Ministry & Tourism Board’s COVID Website
Current Tourism Situation in Jordan:
January 18, 2020 – Big Update
- Tourists are no longer required to self-quarantine after arrival.
- Travelers must still test negative on a COVID-19 72 hours before arrival and complete a second COVID-19 test after arrival at the airport in Jordan.
- For Covid Test at the airport upon arrival visit this link: https://registration.questlabjo.com/
- The website https://www.visitjordan.gov.jo / https://www.gateway2jordan.gov.jo (Ministry & Tourism Board’s COVID Website) will no longer need to be used for tourist arrivals.
- Flights to Jordan are now scheduled to increase
November 20, 2020
- Now there is a mandatory home qurantine of one week for all travelers. The green, yellow, red country system has now been scrapped.
- Travelers no longer have to stay at the aiport to await the results of their Covid (PCR) test. Now the result will be texted to you. (As noted in Aiprot section below on Oct. 12, 2020)
To clairfy traveling to Jordan now requires the below steps:
- All arriving passengers are required to visit https://www.visitjordan.gov.jo to complete the required form and to obtain the QR Code which is mandatory for boarding all flights to Jordan.
- COVID (PCR) test with a negative result within 5 days (120 hours) prior to departure. (Not required for children under 5 years old)
- Another COVID test at airport upon arrival
- Install (AMAN Application) on your cell phone
- Submit Passenger Health Declaration and Locator Form
- Have a valid Health Insurance that covers COVID19 treatment for the whole period of the intended visit
- One week home qurantine
- At the end of the mandatory home quarantine, another PCR test is required *Any passenger who gives falsified or incorrect information is subject to a fine of 10,000 JD
October 5, 2020
If coming from a Green Country:
- COVID test within 5 days prior to departure
- COVID test at airport upon arrival (stay at airport until test received.)
Upon passing the two COVID tests:
Update: You are subject to one week home qurantine.
If coming from a Yellow Country:
- COVID test within 5 days prior to departure
- COVID test at airport upon arrival (stay at airport until test received.)
Upon passing the two COVID tests:
Update: You are subject to one week home qurantine.
If coming from a Red Country:
- COVID test within 5 days prior to departure
- COVID test at airport upon arrival (stay at airport until test received.)
Upon passing the two COVID tests:
Update: You are subject to two weeks home qurantine.
September 14, 2020
Jordan announced their system for allowing in travelers from aborad. Countries are classified into three distinctions: Green, Yellow, Red.
If coming from a Green Country:
- COVID test within 5 days prior to departure
- COVID test at airport upon arrival (stay at airport until test received.)
Upon passing the two COVID tests, you are free to go.
If coming from a Yellow Country:
- COVID test within 5 days prior to departure
- COVID test at airport upon arrival (stay at airport until test received.)
Upon passing the two COVID tests, you must do one week of institutional qurantine (at a hotel), and then one week home qurantine.
If coming from a Red Country:
- COVID test within 5 days prior to departure
- COVID test at airport upon arrival (stay at airport until test received.)
Upon passing the two COVID tests, you must do one week of institutional qurantine (at a hotel), and then one week home quarantine with a tracking bracelet.
June 15, 2020
Jordan is currently in a stable situation with a very low Coronavirus count. From a health perspective, Jordan has performed as one of the best countries in the world in dealing with Coronavirus. Now we are looking forward to taking advantage of the hard work early on to enjoy opening up the country again gradually, safely, and responsibly. All sectors of the economy except for the highest risk are now open with some health-related restrictions/regulations. People must wear masks when entering public buildings, businesses, taxi’s/Ubers/other car-sharing, or other places where services are available to the public. For the latest numbers, you can check a website created by the Jordan’s Ministry of Health here: https://corona.moh.gov.jo/en
Details from GovernmentStatus: Open (moderate capacity).
October 12, 2020:
You no longer have to stay at the airport until you receive the results of your Covid test upon arrival. Now, you can leave the airport and they will send you the results by text message. (Roya News)
October 5, 2020:
Update on airport procedures: Upon arriving at the airport and taking the test you will need to wait between 2-5 hours to receive your test result. From what we have heard, there is only a small kiosk where you can purchase water, so we suggest packing water, snacks, and things to occupy the time accordingly.
September 1, 2020:
Speculation: Jordan is starting with a limited number of flights from just a few locations, while they iron out the details of how to best implement proper safety plans. Then they will likely increase the number of locations and flights that are able to fly to Jordan accordingly.
Aiport to open up to some international tourist by the end of July – July 5th, 2020
At the moment are expecting international tourism to reopen likely sometime in July or August 2020. (Health Minister: QAIA won’t reopen before July 1) – May 28, 2020
Land Border between Jordan and Israel / Palestine Reopening to Tourism
Opening Date: TBD
Many tourist like to combine their trip to Jordan with a visit to Jerusalem and other sites in the “holyland” and vice versa. Currently, the coronavirus situation in Israel / Palestine is not very good, so we do not expect the land borders to open up in the short term. At this point it is too early for us to speculate on when they may be open.
However, we would advise people thinking of traveling to Jordan not to worry too much, Jordan has plenty of amazing sites and things to do. For travel ideas in Jordan check out 10 Best “Off The Beaten Track” Activities In Jordan During COVID-19
Experience Jordan’s Current Situation
Weekly Walks are back!
After a couple-year break, we have brought back our day trips for locals and expats on the weekend! Our first trip was on July 10th to Wadi Ghuweir and was sold out! Upcoming adventures can be found on our Day Trips page where you can browse through all of the hikes along the Jordan Trail, through wadis, and more!
If you are looking to socialize, meet new people, get out of Amman, and experience new adventures in Jordan, try out one of these trips! Stay up to date on new trip openings and other related announcements by following our Facebook page.We’ll be posting every couple of days as we add more trips. We hope to keep this going post coronavirus and into the future!
We have downsized our team and our staff are currently working at a reduced capacity. However, we have positioned to ramp back again quickly once tourism picks up.
Jordan’s Plan to Reopen Domestically
Jordan announced a 5-phase plan to reopening the economy titled “Working Together to Reopen.” The five phases are bases on the number of new coronavirus cases or the percentage of positive test results each day for a given week.
Each Phase has a “Health Risk Trigger” explained above, and then a description of what that phase level entails. The highest level, Phase 5, is called “Critical Risk, while the lowest level, Phase 1, is titled “Low Risk – New Normal.” Jordan is currently in Phase 2: Moderate Risk. In order for Jordan to get to Phase 1: “Low Risk” the protocol calls for no new local cases for 14 consecutive days. Phase 1 seems to indicate a full reopening of all sectors with ongoing social distancing measures and testing.
The reason you are seeing “local cases” is because Jordan is repatriating its citizens from abroad and testing truck drivers at the border. Cases from each of those situations add to Jordan’s official total coronavirus count but are in reality external cases that do not indicate the coronavirus spread level within the country. Further, these cases account for a large portion of Jordan’s new coronavirus cases.
For more details on the plan, you can check it out here: https://corona.moh.gov.jo/en/Together-to-Reopen